Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A show for sore eyes.

    We’re all here, everyone made it to the show. It was certainly harder for some than others. Many people forget who they are along the way, or perhaps it happens before they leave. And who knows where we all come from! Luckily we are all here so it doesn’t matter. Though a lot of us do really worry about it, at least in the beginning. They get to the front of one of the lines, I don’t know how many lines there are, a lot is all I can see, and they give their ticket to the door man and ask something like “Could you tell me who bought this ticket? Is there a receipt?” The door man, seeming like he’s used to dealing with this kind of situation will put his hand on the patrons back saying, “You bought the ticket man. Look around, see that crowd? You bought all the tickets man! See you inside.” Often dumbfounded some of the confused will try to get out another question, something like “well how did i get here?” or “where is this?” and of course the classic “who am I?” and as the door man faces the opposite way taking the ticket from the next person in his line they receive the hearty answer “good one, man” accompanied by a short spurt of joyous laughter. I’m sure most of them forget all about their worries once they get inside. They have every time before. We all have.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderfully emotive sequence. Gives me the warm fuzzies, and a good dollop of missing that life. Sometimes, when I'm on the trains here, I look into people's eyes trying to find a sliver of that camaraderie. It amazes me how easily we can slide through the day, without touching anyone, lost somewhere... but always hoping to be found and to find. In that, and more than we can ever know, we will always be connected.
