Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Nervous reflection on a lonely sidestreet

I often notice it while walking down the street
when the sun is coming back to earth
before laying her down for sleep. The light
laying across sidewalks and gardens yawning
drearily a palpable gold into space. In chorus
waves of birds obscure clouds of color
sending their song to mingle into the expanding
emphatic light. And as sound and light merge
into one infinite point, when expanding
becomes the expanse of an open horizon. For a
quick instant I can see it. All laid out before me, 
a mirror of thought on synaptic symmetry
a nervous system interwoven in rays. Above the
flow of life the expanse on my horizon fades
bringing feet to where they had been standing
on solid ground I walk forward holding still
the rhythm of the rays lingering sound.

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